Monomorium Minimums Vs Little Black Ants

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The rational of my project is to keep ants (Monomorium minimum) or also called little black ants, outside of our homes, and to not tempt them to come back in. The physical structure of an ant’s body and the lipid layer covering their exoskeleton makes ants a poor site for bacterial collection. Also, an ant’s saliva is made of antimicrobial agents that help sterilize the ant’s body. (Wicken, D, (April 20, 2006) Even though ants are one of the most sterile species in the world, psychologically ants cause an over whelming feeling when they are in your home. Also, it is always annoying to find ants in your food or all over your counter. Like most ants, Monomorium minimums have a sting but it only hurts small insects like aphids, there main food source. (Adams E., Traniello J. [1981-01]). If the …show more content…

Steps 1-7 will be repeated for 3 days at the same time and spot
9. A conclusion will be made on the data including what bait was the most popular to the ants and what baits the ants went to first, second, third, etc.
Risk and safety: There are no risk or safety hazards in this science fair project
Data analysis:
1. Average out all the data
2. Make a bar graph with the categories sugar, cheerios, potato chips, fruit, salt, peperoni, and no bait.
3. Mark the baits on top of each bar from the order the ants visited each bait.
4. Compare the data and draw a conclusion.
1. Ninety-Nine Gnats, Nits, and Nibblers, May R. Berenbaum and John Parker Sherrod, (1989), university of Illinois press.
2. Wicken, D, (April 20, 2006). Are ant’s disease-carriers? The Straight Dope, 16,
3. Adams E., Traniello J. (1981-01). Chemical interference competition by Monomorium minimum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Oecologia, 51, 265-270.
4. Alfred M. Bruckstein (1993-03) why the ant trails look so straight and nice. The Mathematical Intelligencer, 0343-6993
5. Monomorium minimum. (2011). School of Ants. Retrieved from Dr. Eleanor's Book of Common Ants:

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