Model Rocket

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The first solid fuel rocket was invented in 1805. Ever since then rockets have made a huge impact not only in the scientific world but also in everyday life. To build a model rocket and to get it to launch into the air succesfully does not involve much rocket science, but it does involve chemical reactions. Without a heart we wouldn’t be able to live, as with a rocket without an engine it would not be able to be a full rocket. To successfully make an engine to your rocket that will allow it to launch into the air and land you must use chemical reactions to generate a well built engine. In this paper you will learn so much about rockets you can become a rocket specialist. Many may ask how do rockets work? Many will respond that they are pushed against something but that is wrong. Since rocket's main purpose are to travel in space where there is nothing, not even air they can not rely on “something” to push themselves against in space. This is the right answer to how rockets work; Rockets use fuel, they burn the fuel and it turns into hot gas. This hot gas is pushed out through the back and it makes the rocket move forward. This is using Newton's third law of …show more content…

The biggest difference between model rockets and rockets are their engines. Model rockets are powered by solid engines and rockets are powered by liquid engines. Since model rockets use solid engines the heating is not essential for launching, unlike rockets. Rockets use liquid engines and if the liquid fuel is not heated up properly then the rocket might collapse. In this step one must be careful on how they do the chemical reaction because one faulty step could ruin your rocket and your opportunity to launch. I will not be adding anything to my rocket, I was going to add glitter but that would hinder my rocket a great deal. Glitter creates friction and that friction would slow down my rocket and now allow it to travel the desired

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