Misconception In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee, Arthur “Boo” Radley represents misconception and can symbolize Scout and Jem’s guardian angel. The people in the town of Maycomb misjudge Boo Radley as the weird, crazy guy in the town and no one associates with him. When Boo was a boy he got into the wrong crowd and as a punishment he was locked up in his house for awhile; rumors were made about Boo that he stabbed his father, but this was never proven to be true (Lee 13). No one has seen him come out of the house since. From then on, everyone misjudged the Radley house and what goes on in there. Throughout the book, Boo leaves gifts for Scout and Jem in the knothole of an old oak tree. Boo also mends Jem’s pants and put a blanket over Scout one cold

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