Minimum Wage Is Not A Living Wage Essay

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Minimum Wage Isn’t a Living Wage

"The rich get richer while the poor get poorer." This quote was originally stated in William Henry Harrison's 1840 speech but sadly enough can still be used today to describe our economic downfall and crisis. With California currently holding a minimum wage at $10 many argue that this just isn’t cutting it anymore. One of the only ways to live prosperously on this income is to work, relentlessly, day in and day out. With many people living day-to-day and paycheck- to-paycheck, it is safe to say that the place minimum wage is right now is not working for most of the nation. With our developing economy, standards of living, unemployment rate, and debatable employee morale, it just seems right to increase the minimum wage.
First, let’s talk statistically. A person working on minimum wage, if they work at maximum 40 hours a week makes around makes $260. With 52 weeks in a year, this is roughly $13,500 a year. This may seem manageable if you are living on your own but imagine being responsible for a family as well. Think about the cost of keeping your family healthy, happy and sucessful. But don’t forget about all the taxes and the bills. An average family spends around …show more content…

Raising this rate means minimum wage workers have more money to spend which means more money ripples throughout the economy as minimum wage employees are able to spend more. These low income families earn a little extra money every day or every week which allows them spend more on things they want. This isn't to say low-wage workers wouldn't save some of their extra pay, but given the poor savings rate of workers in the U.S., let's just say I wouldn't be surprised to see consumption rates rise. Why should our economy stay at a low point when we can make a simple change and be known for a nation of prosperity? With this simple change, our whole population can

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