Minimum Wage And Stereotypes

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Hot topics in America right now are work ethics in regard to minimum wage versus the cost of living, stereotypes as a form of racism, and the constitutional right of Christians to operate business according to their faith. For many Americans, navigating a broken economy is troublesome. Stereotypes make that economic situation worse by deceiving the American people with negative statements that generate false truths about certain segments of the population. Add all this to the fact that Christian businesses are under attack, and you have a nation in turmoil. This country needs a transformation in order for people to live a better life. If I had the power to change the world, I would focus on work ethics of the economy, freedom of religion in …show more content…

These states maintain minimum wage levels that are lower than the federal minimum of $7.25 an hour. (Paul Ausick, 24/7 Wall St May 9, 2014) They are not meeting the federal guidelines in America. I would alter it so that all states met the minimum, even the states without a sate minimum, like Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. They need to have a minimum wage that aligns with the cost of living in that state. We need only follow the example of states with higher minimum wages. America is one of the richest countries in the world, but there are poorer countries with better wages for workers. The jobs in America with chronically low wages are fast food cooks, cashiers, hostesses, and home care aides. With part-time hourly rates ranging from 8.71- 9.80, fast food cooks and cashiers scrape the bottom of the barrel. Hostesses and home care aides aren’t much better off, and all live below the poverty line. The effects of families living below the poverty affect everything from health to housing to education. There is a better solution and hope these people. Australia’s minimum wage is $16 an hour. (Nick Sorrentiono, Sep. 8, 2014) There is more emphasis on quality of life for children and elderly who are affected the most. In comparison to a 20-25% poverty rate in America, Australia only has 10-15%. (Fisher, April 15, …show more content…

Minimum wage creates minimal lives, but a few dollars an hour can change the world of a child for the better. Perception has a way of distorting reality, and stereotypes hold the reigns. There is a game of tug-o-war going between religious groups and community groups, with the government caught in the middle. Those in poverty are trapped by their financial circumstance. Victims of stereotyping are trapped by false truths. Christians are trapped in a secular world. What we need is the freedom our forefathers wrote about in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain unalienable right, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” (Declaration of Independence) If I had the power to change the world, my goal would be to bring this important document alive in the lives of the American

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