Microorganism Essay

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Microorganisms have been since before mankind. Mankind has been reaping a numerous of benefits from these organisms from the very beginning, whether they knew it or not. The lay people throughout the past just always accepted and didn’t ask questions about some of these important microbiological processes like how grapes became wine, wheat into beer, or milk into cheese. It is known how important these three basic foods were to the people dating back to the 18th century, but no one understood it. It took until 1665 for someone to question this rather than calling it magic or a gift from God. Anton van Leeuwenhoek and Robert hooke can be considered the founders of microbiology for their extraordinarily breakthrough work from 1665-1678. http://rsnr.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/58/2/187.full.pdf+html http://historymicrobio.wordpress.com/tag/microbiology-lecture-notes/ Hooke was the first to present a depiction or a microorganism, and it is believed to have inspired Leeuwenhoek to be the first to view live microorganisms under a microscope. Their amazing breakthrough in microbiology was hardly accepted, since at the time many still believed in spontaneous generation. It took nearly 150 years for microbiology to really take off. Thanks to people like Pasteur, Jenner, Flemming, and many others who discovered microbes are a vital part of everyday life. Scientists have learned how to manipulate microbes from making beer, curing cancer, and even treating sewage. http://faculty.ivytech.edu/~twmurphy/txt_202/into_his.htm

Microbes hasve been the cause for many of the large epidemics and diseases seen throughout the world such as small pox, malaria, and tuberculosis. These are just a few of the major diseases seen, but microbes can al...

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...here is food spoilage. A sensor is placed on the food package and will turn from white to blue in the presence of oxygen. It is known that microbes produce oxygen so the food must be packaged in a controlled atmosphere. Consumers will be able to visually see the spoilage, since it is otherwise not visible to the naked eye.
Microorganisms have an infinite number of uses and application. Microbes play an important part in agriculture, food, the environment, medicine, and many others. Scientists have been able to manipulate these organisms to achieve tasks humans can not, such as treating waste water. Microbes are the most adaptive things on earth, and have sustained life to enable human life. For better and for worse, microbes control earth. Luckily, humans have learned how to work with theses microorganisms and to take advantage by manipulation to better mankind

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