Michael Jackson: A Star Among Stars

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Michael Jackson – A Star among Stars Music lives and makes us happy. His contribution as a musician brought us some of the most exciting times in the history of music industry. He was a cultural icon, a star whose career spanned for four decades and a man who was always surrounded by controversy. He inspired many artists, changed the way people see pop music and built a dynasty that will last for many years. His name was Michael Jackson. Michael was born on August 29, 1958 in Garry Indiana. He was raised by his parents along with 8 other siblings who lived in a two bedroom house. Despite the poor living conditions Michael and his siblings exhibited strong talent for music at the early age. With his brothers Tito, Jackie, Jermaine and Marlon …show more content…

To this day it remains the best-selling album of all time with 65 million copies sold around the world and earning 8 Grammy awards. Music video for the song “Thriller” is the best music video ever made skyrocketing the popularity of music videos. During a TV special that honored Motown, Michael performed “Billy Jean” and debuted his signature dance move known as “The Moonwalk”. This dance will become one of the key elements of his early success. His next album “Bad” was also met with critical acclaim with five singles reaching number 1 spot. At this point Michael Jackson was a Superstar. Anything he was doing was closely monitored by the media. While filming a commercial for Pepsi he suffered an injury resulted from burns on his face. After his surgical treatment he started experimenting with plastic surgery in …show more content…

Michael released albums Dangerous and History. These albums had a combined 70 million in sales. He had many successful tours including History World Tour in which Michael performed 82 concerts in 58 cities. He amused a crowd of over 4.5 million during that stretch. This was his most successful tour in terms of audience attendance. His Blood on the Dance Floor: History in the Mix album in 1997 became the best-selling remix album of all time. History album featured a single “Scream” whose music video became the most expensive ever made totaling 7 million dollars in expenses. This song was a duet with his Sister Janet and becoming an instant hit. His next recording came in 2001 when he released Invincible including hits like “Cry” and “You Rock My World”. The later had a music video that featured some of the most prominent members of the academy including film celebrities like Marlon Brando, Chris Tucker and Michael Madsen. His music career defined him as the artist of the century. His personal life on the other hand never stopped to give him troubles and negative publicity. In 2002 Michael’s s behavior became a subject to new adverse tabloid headlines. While visiting Berlin he held newborn son over the balcony extending him over the fence for thousands of fans watching below. For every good thing he did in this world, a bad mistake washed all of it away. The next phase of his life included new child abuse

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