Mexican Drug War Research Paper

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There are so many different issues with foreign policy issues this year that have arouse overtime. In my opinion, the issue of drug wars in Mexico are up rising and causes major chaos in central America, which could possible lead to it being a major issue here in the U.S.. I think that the president needs to help with this problem in advance to stop it from spreading to our parts over here. If the president of the United States, and the president of Mexico could bind together and sign an agreement to get this somehow under control it could prevent it from coming to the U.S. The U.S. president could station our troops that are overseas around the border of Mexico to prevent drug from coming in is one way to help this problem. Also another good …show more content…

If we come together and get things done as in, stopping cyber threats, wars, ISIS, drug cartels, bombings, and numerous of other issues that are becoming a big part of making it easy to live in the U.S., then we need to make them go away. In a CNN News statement it was stated,”It is unclear if Mexico's President-elect Enrique Peña Nieto will be able to contain the violence, which has spread south to Central America and is showing signs of leaking north into the United States.”(CNN) Thousands of people have died due to the crisis in Mexico. When is enough enough? If it get stop out of control in Mexico and they make there way over to the U.S., it might be too late to try and stop them. They could be too strong in forces and it would cause more panic and damage for the United States to have to come up with to fix, more expenses, more resources, more everything. Also, another thought to think the issue gets that bad before it is taken care of it could cause a major war that is NOT needed. There are so many resources that could be used to stop this from coming another major issue and a possible war. When we catch the smugglers at the border, we are stopping a process for drugs to get here. So the cartels could retaliate against us for that. It would be easier if they would legalize marijuana in parts of the America to prevent retaliation from happening and also helping the drug and crime rates to

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