Mesopotamia Research Paper

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In antiquity, Mesopotamian people believed in many gods. These gods took many shapes and were responsible for different natural forces such us the sun, the wind, floods and light. Mesopotamian people wholly relied on their gods for their sustenance and attributed all eventualities that occurred on their lives to their gods. Mesopotamia, given its geographical location between rivers Euphrates and Tigris meant that its inhabitants had plenty to consume in agricultural produce. The Mesopotamian people were also pastoralists who believed that their gods protected their territories form natural calamities. In a very popular fable of the Mesopotamians and as recorded in the tables of Samaria, the gods of Mesopotamia sent a flood that swept over the earth destroying the human race in order to reduce overpopulation ( Stephanie 5). The gods had not assigned mankind a life …show more content…

Together with his wife, he was saved from the floods by the gods and was awarded with immortality (Stephanie 1). The Biblical account of the flood bears some similarities to the Mesopotamian fable on the flood. This story is recorded in the book of Genesis and akin to the Mesopotamian flood, it was sent by God. Just like Atrahais, Noah, an old wise man who had been instructed to build an ark by God, was together with is family, saved from death in the floods. There are some differences in the two stories, the most outstanding and relevant to this paper being the reason why the respective deities sent the floods to the earth. In the biblical account, God sent the flood to earth because of humankind’s perverse ways. God was angered by the immorality of man and in Genesis chapter 6 verse 1 to 3, it is written that God, after having observed the ways on man said: “My Spirit will not contend with humans forever, for they are mortal; their days will be a hundred and twenty

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