Mental Illness In The Glass Castle

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“When Dad went crazy, we all had our own ways of shutting down and closing off…” (Walls 115).In Jeannette Walls memoir, The Glass Castle, Walls enlightens the reader on what it’s like to grow up with a parent who is dependent on alcohol, Rex Walls, Jeannette’s father, was an alcoholic. Psychologically, having a parent who abuses alcohol is the worst thing for a child. The psychological state of these children can get of poorer quality as they grow up. Leaving the child with psychiatric disorders in the future and or being an alcoholic as well. Ronald Reagan, our 40th president, although successfully gained a political occupation, he was considerably impacted in his life by his dad who was an alcoholic. Although in the future becoming president …show more content…

There is a total of “970000 children(Children, Lambie-Sias)” under the age of 17 in the U.S. that are living with a parent or guardian who abuses alcohol.The guardian or parent put a lot of psychological hurt on these children, but typically it’s due to the fact that the parent has a coexisting psychiatric disorder. You can generally tell if the COAs (Children of Alcoholics) by certain indicators they show. They normally are always late, they don’t really care about their physical appearance, they could be really excited during the day but once it’s time to go home seem down in the dumps because they don’t want to return home to see their parent or guardian abuse alcohol. More psychological problems or indicators you can see are when the child has trouble controlling their mood and behavior, during the day they will show disobedient behavior, random outbreaks of their emotions, on normal day’s basis this child is known as the “class clown”. “Psychosomatic Responses(Children, Lambie-Sias)” this child will show during the school day are due to the emotional hurt they are feeling so they will confirm this by “physical symptomlogy (Children, Lambie-Sias)”, headaches and complaint of stomachs are usually what they will tell a teacher or nurse is wrong with them and these normally have unexplainable causes. The majority of the time these children, convey what …show more content…

Barbara believes that in using “psychopathology (Woods 14)” it helps links us to a deeper knowledge of our self-psychology. “Psychopathology is known as the scientific study of mental disorder (Mental Kowalczyk).”More often than not, this is caused by the neglect and abuse shown by parents or guardians of this child. Stated by Woods the “Psychological dysfunction(Woods 14)” of any child, gives everyone an understanding of the problems of COAs, and this severely distressed children who grow up in alcoholic homes. In Woods book she looks into the philosophy of a man named Freud. Freud deems to think that all of these problems are a part of this psychic concept of your id, ego, and superego. When it all comes down to Barbara, finding this all to be a something she calls an “inherent and pernicious flaw (Woods 24) in the COA. What she believes is their sense of familiarity or their security blanket. This gives the

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