Mental Health Issues In Princess Diana's Her True Story

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During Diana’s years of royalty, life inside the Kensington Palace and Highgrove House was not as glamorous as the media made it out to be. Lady Diana and Prince Charles were engaged in 1981 and married later that year. The royal wedding was a worldwide event that showcased a true fairytale romance. However, less than a year after their marriage, Diana learned that Prince Charles was having an affair with Camilla Parker Bowles, a minor aristocrat who first met Charles in 1972 when they were both unwed, that was when they first began discreetly seeing each other. In 1978, Camilla gave birth to her first child with her husband, Andrew Parker Bowles. By 1982, Charles and Bowles were having an affair once again. Diana knew that Charles and Bowles …show more content…

Secrets were revealed about Diana’s mental health and marital problems when“Diana: Her True Story,” was published in 1992. In the book, the Princess shared her struggle with worthlessness that lead to self injury and suicide attempts. She also opened up with her battle with bulimia she's had since 1981 through to the late 80’s when she finally sought treatment for the dangerous eating disorder which plagues up to 4% of females in the US during their lifetime. “‘[Bulimia is] like a secret disease. You inflict it upon yourself because your self-esteem is at a low ebb, and you don't think you're worthy or valuable,” She says in a 1995 BBC interview, “You fill your stomach up four or five times a day - some do it more - and it gives you a feeling of comfort.” Diana says that people close to her blamed her marital troubles on her bulimia, when in fact, “It was a symptom of what was going on in [her] marriage.” Although Diana did not set out to become an advocate for mental health, she is credited for a social phenomenon known as “The Diana Effect,” which is the increase of men and women seeking treatment for bulimia. From the book release in 1992, to 1996, the number of women seeking treatment for bulimia in the UK increased by 20%. Researchers concluded that “Identification with a public figure’s struggle with bulimia might have temporarily decreased …show more content…

Over the days following Diana’s death, over 10,000 bouquets of flowers would be left in front of the entrance of Kensington Palace, stretching over 30ft outwards towards the street. The death of Diana, Henri Paul, and Dodi Al Fayed is riddled with conspiracies, just the same as with the deaths of other celebrities. Most popular, Diana and Dodi were murdered for whatever reason, whether that be because Fayed was supposedly planning to propose that night, or that perhaps she was pregnant with Fayed’s child. Each conspiracy comes with its fair share of evidence; however, eleven years after the crash, the jury members of an official inquest denied any conspiracies through a jury decision. The inquest jury concluded that Diana's death was, “[an] unlawful killing, [with] grossly negligent driving.” The jury forewoman wrote: "The crash was caused or contributed to by the speed and manner of the driving of the Mercedes, the speed and manner of driving of the following vehicles, the impairment of the judgment of the driver of the Mercedes through alcohol, and there are nine of us who agree on those conclusions. In addition, the death of the deceased was caused or contributed to by the fact that the deceased [was] not wearing seatbelt(s).” Diana’s death was more than a car crash: it rocked the both the monarchy, and the people of the

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