Meditation 17 Poem

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"Meditation 17" and "No Man is an Island" both have many similarities in regards to the tone, mood, and theme of each work. "Meditation 17" was written by John Donne, and the song "No Man is an Island" by Tenth Avenue North was majorly derived from John Donne's poem, "No Man is an Island" so it comes at no surprise that they have many of the same literary elements strung throughout them. "Meditation 17" was written when the author himself had just overcome a serious illness and while he was sick he thought about humanity as a whole. He realized that we are all connected in some way or another and that eventually we will all face death. In "No Man is an Island" the writers are encouraging us to embrace the community that God has created for us. Tenth Avenue North is explaining to us that we are not meant to do life alone, but to be surrounded by a community who is there in times of struggle and trial that we face as humans. Throughout both works there is a hopeful in each of the writers voices. They explain how with Christ we have affliction in our lives and this makes us into better people. A line out of "No Man is an Island" says, "The struggle makes us new." We learn to accept suffering and …show more content…

Ultimately what the phrase, no man is an island means is that as individuals we cannot do everything on our own. We need the community that God has blessed us with to help us get by and since He has created this for us, we should take full advantage of it. In "Meditation 17" one line reads, "No man is an island, entire of itself." When listening to "No Man is an Island" part of the chorus says this, "No man is an island, we can be found. No man is an island, let your guard down." Through the number of times we see this in each of the different texts we can put together that community is important and ties each of the works

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