Medieval Estate System Analysis

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During the period between medieval to the western modern there were many different areas addressed at this time. Each time period had a variety of systems to benefit their population. The church was weakened by internal conflicts as well as by disagreements between church and state. The rising of the bourgeois class, and secular ideals succeeded in the growing towns and gave support to the expanding monarchies. However, there are many parts to each area of social, political and religious.
Medieval social statues had many levels for group. The first level was the monarch, king or queen, or clergy. The monarch was the highest level in the system and ruled over all of the land, except for the church. The next highest level in the medieval social …show more content…

The differences were the estate system. The estate systems were made up into three classes: 1st class, 2nd class, and the 3rd class. The only flaw was that they were not equal. Emmanuel Sieyes stated, “ Has nobody observed that as soon as the government becomes the property of a separate class it starts to grow out of all proportion…” The 3rd estates were fed up being treated unequal and broke off from the estate system. Unlike the medieval age social status in the “Modern Western” world were different. The biggest differences were the estate system. The estate systems were made up into three classes: 1st class, 2nd class, and the 3rd class. The only flaw was that they were not equal. Emmanuel Sieyes stated, “ Has nobody observed that as soon as the government becomes the property of a separate class it starts to grow out of all …show more content…

There were a major divided on the status of classes and the Aristocrats Revolt. Louis XVI puts the French into debt and tried to submit a package reform to the Assembly of Notables and they denied the request. When Louis XVI suggested more uniform land tax the nobility refused and became heroes to the people. Marquis de Lafayette wrote, “The Representatives of the people of France, formed into a National Assembly, considering that ignorance, neglect, or contempt of human rights, are the sole causes of public misfortunes and corruptions of Government…”
In Europe during the medieval times the only recognized religion was Christianity, in the form of the Catholic religion. The church dominated the life of the medieval people of the middle Ages. Jacques- Benigne Bossuet stated, “ One must, then, obey princes as if they were justice, without which there is neither order nor justice in affairs”. This was also a period of great change in the Christian church. The practices of the Catholic religion were questioned and the beliefs of men such as Martin Luther. Which led to a further split in the Christian Church referred to as the Protestant

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