Medical Marijuana Informative Speech

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Purpose Statement: I am here to inform you about benefits of Medicinal Marijuana and however negative some may think it is; it has been proven to help with pain management. Thesis Statement: I would like to show you through my research that, Medicinal Marijuana, when used correctly can be beneficial to patients with debilitating diseases that cause them pain and discomfort and should may legal throughout the United States. Introduction: I am Tamu and I will provide some insight on the benefits of using medical marijuana for sick patients. Attention Getter: Imagine being diagnosed with a disease that causes you so much pain that it makes impossible for you to maintain your home, spend quality time with your family, work a regular job and …show more content…

Second main point: With a change to their medication, some patients have been allowed a second chance to live their lives and be comfortable while they fight through their diagnosis. A. Support for 2nd main point: According to, studies have been conducted so I will provide some of the major medical conditions that can be helped with the use of Medical Marijuana. 1. Health providers have found the properties or medical marijuana to be helpful with diseases, such as AIDS, Hepatitis C, Glaucoma and Cancer, just to name a few. 2. Additionally, according to an article written by Dr. Sanja Gupta on, he stated that, THC has been proven to slow down the progress of Alzheimer's disease in patients. B. Support for 2nd main point. In addition to Dr. Gupta, also discussed some additional benefits of using Medical Marijuana for the diseases that I spoke of above. 1. Medical marijuana studies have been proven to reduce vomiting, nausea and loss of appetite in patients with AIDS, Cancer and Hepatitis C. 2. According to an article published on, marijuana has also been proven to reduce the pressure and prevent nerve damage in the eyes of patients that have been diagnosed with

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