Mediation Is the Best Method to Resolve Workplace Disputes

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A recent movement emerging throughout many businesses today is the development of workplaces that are more collaborative and less confrontational. Companies and workers alike are gradually recognizing the problems each other face when they treat each other as adversaries, instead of partners, when producing goods or services. Progressive firms are revisiting management and production methods that stress informed participation, expanded responsibility, and decentralized authority. To achieve these objectives, organizations are discovering that mediation is the best method to resolve workplace disputes.
Mediation is also useful in settling workplace disagreements for companies that have no plans to change the philosophy or structure of their business. In terms of lost time and energy, money spent, and relationships shattered beyond repair, the litigation of employment dispute can be extremely damaging to business. Mediation can help firms minimize the costs they bear when trying to resolve differences that arise within the workplace.
Mediation in the workplace can be equally beneficial to both employers and employees. It offers quick and mutually satisfactory resolutions to all parties involved. Mediated resolutions are often more effective in the short and long run, because everyone involved has a vested interested through the buy in. Moreover, mediation takes the final decision making process out of authorities who are tasked to come up with the solutions to the problem. Mediation also promotes a shared respect through enhanced communication and can relax an environment where everyone is continually on the defensive.
As a whole, mediation within the workplace is very different from mediation within the framework of litigat...

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...t review process, with senior managers given the option of referring the matter to mediation or allowing the HR department to extend mediation during any time in the review process. A standalone procedures list may help as well. Please see Appendix A for a sample procedure list downloaded from the Johns Hopkins Workplace Mediation Center, which can be useful guide for any business seeking to institute a work place mediation program.
Ultimately, the mediation of workplace disputes is here to stay. It is the most cost-effective, satisfactory and timely dispute resolution mechanism that employers can use. Furthermore, it is beneficial in creating and sustaining a shared workplace culture that employers strive for. Companies that are intent on bringing these benefits to their business should not hesitate to include mediation into their dispute resolution platform.

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