Marx Vision Of A Communist Society

863 Words2 Pages

1. Abstract: Marx and Engles introduced their theory of communism would be the new society to take over the existing capitalist society. The organizing key principles of a communist society begin with no sense of classes and no division of labor. Communism is based off of needs and people work to produce their own needs, unlike capitalism, which is based on mental and manual labor for the main goal of money and surplus. Mark and Engles criticize Adam Smith’s capitalist society and introduce why they believe capitalism wont work and communism is the only way to a successful, innovative and thriving society (Word Count 760). Marx and Engles argue that communism would be the new society to take over the existing capitalist society. In this case it would no longer be a society that bases itself off of class exploitation. This communist society would feature new qualities and principles. The main organizing principles of a communist society are that people will be able to alternate what they do day to day and therefore are capable of having multiple potentialities. This allows people to realize their own potential and differentiate their daily routines based on individual interests and talents. …show more content…

This would first and foremost begin with Smith’s interest in accumulation of wealth through labor. Smith believe in a distinct difference of mental versus manual labor. According to Smith, specialization helps in the division of labor because people become faster and more productive when they are only focused on one task/job. With one-task individuals improve dexterity, which saves time and they become innovative. If people are skilled and productive in their individual fields of work, it creates advanced societies. More and more people specialized in their field of production only creates more product; more product leads to greater wealth, which indeed is Smith’s number one

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