Marry Mackillop's Use Of The Cardinal Virtue In The Church

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The cardinal virtues demonstrate the active and present ways throughout the church by showing the cardinal virtues temperance, social justice, justice, fortitude and prudence. Prudence is practical common sense. Catholics believe that the cardinal virtues prepare people so that when something is offered for example grace, people will recognize it. Cardinal virtues make it easier to work with life and problems. A person for example who showed a cardinal virtue in the church that was active and present was my house saint marry Mackillop. Marry Mackillop identifies the cardinal virtues of justice and prudence by doing the right thing, being fair to everyone and being nice to people. She was big on social justice and gave up everything to help and kept following her dream by not listening to the wrong people.

Prudence says or means to do the proper thing, at the correct time, and in a apocopate and respectful way or manner. It also means the ability to know and judge whether to say something or not do anything at all. Prudence is the ability to think and reason and then practice it, it enable people to judge correctly what is right or wrong, and it is a wise judgement to seek the advice of wise people. For example if you see a …show more content…

This cardinal virtue is the good habit that allows people to relax on hard times, have fun and to do so without crossing the line or committing any sort of sin. Temperance is the balance and moderate, it allows you to enjoy life without going over the line or stressing. Temperance is practice when people refrain from over-eating or drinking. Temperance allows self-control and balancing the good against the desire for over-indulgence. Be able to control ourselves, despite what we might actually want. A example of this is when you are in the classroom to not yell out and have self-control so that you don’t cross over the line and the teacher gets angry at

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