Mark Paper

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The unique perspective of the book of Mark is that it focuses on what true discipleship really is by showing us what the cost of discipleship is. As the second book of the New Testament the message of the book of Mark is very important because it introduces the concept of discipleship. Mark shows us what discipleship really is in three ways: the way Jesus demonstrated discipleship, the cost of discipleship, and the disciples performing.
The first way that Mark shows us what discipleship really is, is by the way Jesus demonstrated discipleship. Jesus did this in three ways: the way He cared about people, took care of their physical needs, and He took care of their spiritual needs. In Mark 7:31-37 we see an example of Jesus caring about people. In these verses a deaf and dumb man is brought to Jesus and the man's friends beg Jesus to heal him. Jesus takes him aside privately and says be open and immediately the man can hear and can speak normally. This passage shows that Jesus cared because Jesus specifically took this man aside, placed his hand on him to heal him. An example of Jesus taking care of people’s physical needs is in Mark 6:30-44. In this passage Jesus feeds the 5,000 with five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus broke the bread and the fish, blessed it and passed it around to all 5,000. Everyone ate and there were 12 baskets of left over. This passage shows that Jesus took care of people’s physical needs because the group of people following hadn't eaten all day and Jesus had compassion on them and fulfilled their physical need for food.
The last way that Jesus demonstrated His discipleship was in the way he took care of people’s spiritual needs. The first time we see this is in Mark 1:21-28. In these verses Jesus is i...

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... harmed. These verses are a good example of how the disciples performed discipleship because Jesus is again telling them what they are to do as disciples of Christ.

The person who has invested in my life as a true disciple is my grandfather. He has shown me what it means to be a true disciple through his faith in christ. When my grandpa was in the hospital for heart surgery he always had faith that everything would go ok and he would be out of the hospital in no time. When some things went wrong and he had to stay in the hospital longer he continued to have faith in Christ that everything would turn out ok and God was in control. He never got down on himself that he wasn’t getting out of the hospital as fast as he wanted. My grandfathers strong faith in Christ and his attitude through the whole thing really showed my what being a true disciple of Christ really is.

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