Mark Hartman Case Summary

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Facts Mark Hartman is an eleven-year old autistic child. Mark spent his pre-school years in various programs for disabled children. In kindergarten, he spent half his time in a self-contained program for autistic children and half in a regular education classroom at Butterfield Elementary in Lombard, Illinois. In first grade, Mark received speech and occupational therapy with a one-on-one, but otherwise was included in the regular classroom full time with an aide to assist him. After Mark’s first-grade year, the Hartmanns moved to Loudon County, Virginia, where they enrolled Mark at Ashburn Elementary for the 1993-1994 school year. Based on Mark’s IEP from Illinois, the school placed Mark in a regular education classroom. To help facilitate …show more content…

He engaged in daily episodes of loud screeching, hitting, biting, kicking and removing his clothing. These outbursts not only required his teacher, (Diane Johnson), and the aide to take time to calm Mark and redirect him, but also consumed the additional time necessary to get the rest of the children back on task after the distraction. In May 1994, Mark’s IEP team proposed to place Mark in a class in a class specifically structured for autistic children at Leesburg Elementary. Leesburg is an elementary school which houses the autism class in order to facilitate interaction between the autistic children and students who are not handicapped. Mark would have received only academic instruction and speech in the self-contained classroom, while joining a regular class for art, music, physical education, library and recess. The Leesburg IEP also would have permitted Mark to increase the portion of his instruction received in a regular education setting as he demonstrated an improved ability to handle it.The Hartmanns refused to approve the IEP and brought suit against the Loudon County Board of Education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education

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