Marijuana Effects

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Marijuana can cause short and long term effects on the brain and body. the use of this drug is growing fast and most in teens and many people don’t know the negative effects of it.The main elements of the body that smoking or even coming in contact with the drug may affect is memory loss , sensory distortion , and growth disorders. Marijuana is a combination of shredded leaves , stems, and flower buds of the cannabis sativa plants. the intoxication chemical in marijuana is tetrahydrocannabinol or THC.The more THC is introduced in the system the brain responds by reducing the number of receptors. Very large doses of marijuana can cause hallucinations or delusions. The drug can also affect IQ motivation and ability to plan or make decisions. …show more content…

This is a big one simply because we all need our memory, who doesn't? You may hear people say the saying "you gone kill your brain cells" In a joking manner when smoking marijuana , but did you know you're actually losing brain cells important brain cells. The hippocampus itself serves as a major player of the formation of our new memory or long-term memory and spatial navigation, abilities that we need in everyday life. The marijuana plant is thought to have at least 70 cannabinoids, or compounds, that include the active ingredient associated with marijuana’s psychotropic …show more content…

This suggests that memory-related parts of the brain are the first to be affected by cannabis, and become more susceptible with persistent heavy use. Inflicting in this drug can also cause growing disorders. when mothers smoke while pregnant they put their unborn at child at serious risk of not developing fully this is more of the reasons children are with birth defects or get them later on in life. smoking marijuana can also cause early puberty(“ScienceDaily.”). Boys who smoke marijuana go through puberty earlier but grow more slowly than those who have never smoked the drug according to a study presented today at the European Congress of Endocrinology in Dublin, Ireland. The findings will lead to a better understanding of the dangers of drug abuse on growth and development of children. The teenage brain has a lot developing to do It must transform from the brain of a child into the brain of an adult. Some researchers worry how marijuana might affect that crucial process. "We found that people who began using marijuana in their teenage years and then continued to use marijuana for many years lost about eight IQ points from childhood to adulthood (Madeline Meier). Boys who smoke cannabis before puberty could be stunting their growth by more than four inches, a new study

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