Manifest Destiny: Expansion and Consequences

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The Manifest Destiny took place in the 19th century, and during this time, America expanded the size of the country dramatically. This was a result of various different wars that occurred. One of the most significant one was the Mexican-American War. This war was the first war the Americans had to fight on foreign land. During the war, there was continuous bloodshed due to the determined soldiers on both sides of the country. In the end, the war officially ended in 1848 and Mexico signed the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, in which it officially gives up California and New Mexico for a cost of 15 million dollars. After the war, the Native Americans were displaced, the size of the country increased, and the country’s economy boosted. Foremost, the Manifest Destiny caused many Native Americans to become separated from the rest of the population. The Americans claimed that “God had placed the Anglo-Saxon race, (the white race) above all others, and had allotted the continent …show more content…

Other than the other benefits the Manifest Destiny brought, it made America a more industrialized country. During this period of time, America was still undeveloped compared to all of the other powerful countries, such as England and France. However, the Manifest Destiny “created an expanse of roads and railroads that aided in the development of industry”(Reference 1). The Manifest Destiny created a brighter future for America because through the industrialization, America would finally be at the same stage the other countries are at. Also, the increase in the country’s economy can mean that the life of the people will become better too. With more new transportation devices in the countries, such as trains that can run across various cities, the life of many Americans will become faster and more efficient. Therefore, the Manifest Destiny helped America become a country with a stable economy that can support its

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