Mandatory Vaccination Research

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The debate of whether individuals should get vaccinated or not is one of many unresolved health issues to be explored in this essay. Vaccines stimulate the antibodies in your immune system to ward off infection. This topic is controversial because many believe that vaccinations prevent diseases and others believe that vaccinations are disease producers. There are many articles touting vaccines as being extremely helpful for the human body and then there are articles stating vaccines are extremely dangerous. This essay will cover the pros and cons of individuals getting vaccinated. Vaccines are the contemporary medicine that is on the market to prevent many infectious diseases. About 80-93% of United States population have been …show more content…

Every vaccine requires multiple doses before showing immunity to the disease it’s trying to prevent. Many individuals worry that vaccines are “temporarily increasing antibodies for a particular disease, but does not equate to immunity to disease.” (Samuelson 4). About “1 million children have an allergic reaction” to a vaccine that can result in death. ( 4). In February 2017, scientists from Germany have tested many vaccines to see what substances were inside the “life-saving” medications. The German scientists found that “small amount of mercury” were found inside “mercury-free vaccine.” (Alber 16). Mercury is a heavy metal preservative found in vaccines that could affect the nervous system resulting in neurological impairment. Arsenic another dangerous substance found in vaccines was recognized by German scientists. (Alber 16). Arsenic is a poison that can give the body skin cancer, lung cancer, bladder cancer, and heart diseases. According to the CDC, most vaccines can have deadly side effects, for example, Rotavirus Vaccines was eliminated from the pharmacy in 1999 because of “life-threatening bowel obstruction or twisting of the bowel.” (Healthy Home Economist 32). Another vaccine with a life-threatening side effect is the flu shots which can result in the “small risk of Guillain-Barre Syndrome.” (CDC 43). Guillain-Barre Syndrome is a condition that makes the immune system attack the nervous system. Pneumococcal vaccine is linked to fevers that lead to seizures that can cause damage to the nervous system. (CDC 43). Is vaccination appropriate for anybody and

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