Magnetic Field Research

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In this experiment, we are able to investigate the relationship between the induced current in a coil and the frequency of oscillation of a bar magnet inside the coil. In 1820, Hans Christian Oersted, a Danish physicist had discover the magnetic effect of current carrying conductor (wire) as it pass through a current, and it will effect the magnetic field around the wire. [search from references book]. His discover led to inventions of dynamo, motor and telephone is due to electromagnetism. As a bar magnet, it has its own magnetic field around it and magnetic field lines. The properties of magnetic field lines is it always flow from North pole to South pole. North pole always flow out and South pole always flow in. In addition, the magnetic field lines cannot cross each other. Similarly, the more concentration of magnetic field lines, it more strength of magnetism. The study of magnetic fields began in 1269 when French scholar Petrus Peregrinus de Maricourt mapped out the magnetic field on the surface of a spherical magnet using iron needles [search from Wikipedia]. Magnetic field is a region which a magnetic material experiences a force as the result of the presence of a magnet or a current carrying conductor.[search from Wikipedia]. Right-hand Grip Rule is used to determined the direction of the magnetic field. The thumbs always points in the direction of the current, while finger give the direction of magnetic field. For determined direction of the magnetic field of solenoid, thumbs always point to north pole. In this experiments also, we should use this rule to determine the current flow in solenoid. The strength of magnetic field can increases by increasing the current, increasing the number of turns of wire. Substance such a...

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...very finger has perpendicular. The application of electromagnetic induction is direct current generator and alternating current generator. A bicycle dynamo also used this principle to generate the light bulb. In general, Faraday's Law states that an induced emf (E) along any closed path in a magnetic field is equal to the rate at which the magnetic flux sweeps across the path. The first task is to observe Faraday's/Lenz' Law in action. To observe these laws, simply connect the coil to the multi-galvanometer and see what happens to the emf when the magnet is in motion through the coil and also see the deflection of the galvanometer. In this experiment, we are also test three type of movement of magnet which are stationary, slow and fast and see the deflection of galvanometer. And we also using 2 different pole of magnet facing solenoid which are North and South pole.

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