Macbeth: The Most Tragic Hero

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Austin T. Shufflebarger
Mrs. Dean
24 January 2017
Analysis of Macbeth: The most tragic of heroes. What is a tragic hero? Aristotle once said that a tragic hero is a man “who is not eminently good and just, whose misfortune is brought about not by vice or depravity, but by some error or frailty.” A tragic hero is a man who is not predominantly evil, but rather has evil forced upon them, has evil whispered into his ear and like an itch on one’s nose, it has to be scratched. A tragic hero is a hero who, although is virtuous and morally upright, possesses a fatal flaw - a flaw or ideology that eventually leads to a character’s downfall. The most tragic of these heroes however, is the moonstruck king of Scotland, the maltreated Macbeth. …show more content…

It is common among soldiers, especially those who have killed people and watched people gruesomely killed and it causes extremely vivid hallucinations to those affected. It causes insomnia, hopelessness, hypervigilance, nightmares, feelings of guilt, and angry outburst. Sound familiar? It should as Macbeth openly admits to not being able to sleep, ”Macbeth doth murder sleep!” (Macbeth Act Two; Scene 1; Line 35); being weary and distrust of those around him; he is unable to overcome the feelings of guilt for his actions; and also experiences outburst of …show more content…

All of these are very serious diseases that thousands of people suffer every single year, a statistic from the CDC stated that twenty-five percent of adult males in the United States have a form of mental disorders, let alone back in Medieval Scotland. Without medication they push people to and past the brink of insanity, restraining people from logical decision making. But what does the most harm to victims of mental disorder? Neglect and a lack of support. Macbeth, a loyal soldier to the king, fresh from returning from war against his friends and former comrades not only has a confrontation with a supernatural force but upon returning home is belittled and patronized by his only companion and his only support system, his shuddersome wife. Not only does Lady Macbeth questions his manhood at every turn, but she also: harrasses him, belittles his desicion making, and pushes him to murder his friends for

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