Macbeth Act 4 Scene 2 Essay

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Death, Beauty, and the Dramatics:
(A Critical Analysis of Macbeth 4:2) Whenever I look at any art, whether it be poems, paintings, plays, or movies. I always think about a quote from a wonderful songwriter K. D. Lang, “Look. Art knows no prejudice, art knows no boundaries, art doesn't really have judgement in it's purest form. So just go, just go.” Now even though this quote was said, much much much, after Shakespeare's time, you can see it resonate with his plays. William was not scared to break out of the “molds” his day had set into place. One scene that shows how well he does this is in the fourth act of the Scottish play Macbeth. In all of Shakespeare's plays Macbeth Act 4 scene 2 resonates the most with me for three main reasons. First off, Macbeth 4:2 has one of the only on stage deaths written by Shakespeare. In Macbeth we see the death of MacDuff's son, right there on stage, in front of us, most of the time a murder will occur off stage. This murder happens in front of our faces, and we as an audience, have to watch. Also there is a heart wrenching line spoken by the child once he is stabbed, “He has killed me, mother: Run away, I pray you!” (4:2:84-85) truly bringing the pain of this scene to bloom. Not only was this a …show more content…

Sometimes the reason you’re friends with someone, it is not because you guys like the same stuff, it is because you hate the same things, and you can rant to them. Look at the start of our country and how we became independent. We had enough people who hated the British and what they were doing, that we could make a fighting force to be reckoned with. In elections, sometimes it wasn't because one person was better than another, it was because one person was worse than the other one. So William Shakespeare was a genius, to make it so everyone could agree, that Macbeth was an ass who needed to

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