Luke's Gospel and The Teachings of Jesus Through Parables

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Luke's Gospel and The Teachings of Jesus Through Parables



The coursework is about the parables that Jesus taught to his

disciples and to anyone else who wanted to learn about the kingdom of

God. It is also about the kingdom of God, topics about this include

how to get in to the Kingdom of God, what it is, and what it means to

a Christian.

Parables covered in this coursework include:

* The good Samaritan

* The lost coin

* The lost son

* The narrow door

* The parable about the coming of the Kingdom of God

Each of these can be found in Luke's gospel and they each have a

particular meaning that means a great deal in Christians lives today.

When you read this piece of coursework you will learn what a parable

is and how they differ from allegories. Also why Jesus taught in

parables and how this technique helped the people that he taught to

understand the topics that he covered at a deeper lever than they

would have done if he had just told them the meanings of the stories.

Also how parables affect peoples lives today, even though they were

made up over two thousand years ago.

Ai) What is meant by the term parable?

What is a parable?

A parable is a story that conveys a teaching. The parables in the

gospel are a unique development of literary form whose roots come from

the Old Testament. The word "parable" originates from a Greek work,

"parabole", meaning simplitude or comparison. The definition from the

Collins English Dictionary of a parable is "a story that illustrates a

religious meaning." A parable has been described as "an earthly story

with a heavenly meaning"

Why did Jesus teach in parables?

In Jesus' teachings, He uses parables to teach his people how to live

their lives. He does this by comparing life on earth to the kingdom of

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