Lowering The Job Age

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Many people especially teens want to get a job. The problem with that is that in many states the legal job age is 16 or older. Many teens should get jobs as soon as they are ready which is in most cases before they are 16 or older. Teenagers need to get a better knowledge of the life they are preparing for, and getting a job can help them better get better prepared. Lowering the legal age to get a job is very important for the following reasons. One example of why the job age needs to be lowered is the fact that teens making money can help their parents tremendously. Teens would not have to depend on their parents as much for the things they want. Parents want to try to have as much money as possible, and they do this especially if …show more content…

The reality of these ideas are that some parents don't even let their teens try to prove that they are ready for work. Teens getting jobs can prepare them in way that can help them to be responsible adults and live on their own. Getting a job can let teens learn what they need to know about money. Many people today have difficulties using money in effective ways. When teens get money they spend it all within minutes, but many teens don't think about sales and discounts when shopping; usually money is spent on the most popular items such as smart phones, trendy clothing, most popular shoe brand and so many other unnecessary items, and what makes this worse is the fact that once those items are ¨out of style¨ in most cases the items are thrown away to make room for the next trendy items wasting hundreds of dollars. Allowing teens to get a job helps them to learn the best ways to save money, spend it in more effective ways and in the end hopefully have some money left over for savings. Getting a job can help teens understand how money affects them. In our world today there are different ways that money changes and it helps teens out a lot more if they know what these changes are and how they can detect them. There is counterfeit money that everyone runs across in rather working or not. In everyday life there is the inflation and deflation of money. Inflation the money value goes down and prices go up, and deflation the prices go down and the money value goes up. Getting a job can help teens get a head of the game and prepare for these times in their

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