Examples Of Aragorn Being An Epic Hero

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The Lord of the Rings Aragorn is truly the epic hero form the Lord of the Rings. From the start, Aragorn displays hero qualities which continue to lead his group into success. His decisions are wise, and his fighting is brave enough for him to be considered a hero. At times, it seems that his friends would not be able to get by without him. Because of Aragorn's bravery and hope, the Battle of Helms Deep is won by the humans, ultimately making Aragorn the epic hero. In order to be a hero, one cannot just be an above average person. When a dilemma arises, a hero must never give up hope and always know what to do. Aragorn is knowledgeable and leads his companions like a true hero. For instance, Legolas, Boromir, Frodo, Sam, and Gimli escape from the terrifying Mines of Moria thinking …show more content…

This eases Boromir's mind before he dies. Again, Aragorn displays hero-like characteristics by knowing what to say to a fallen soldier. After this, only Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli are left. Gimli believes that the fellowship has failed. Aragorn says, "Not if we hold true to each other… Let's hunt some orc!" (The Fellowship of the Ring [video recording]). A hero like Aragorn never gives up hope. Instead, he always looks to a positive future which raises the spirits of his companions as well. Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli later make it to Edoras, a city ruled by Théoden in Rohan. It is here where a mighty task is given to Aragorn. Since Théoden wants his people to be safe, he decides to take them to Helms Deep for safety. Gandalf, before his departure to search for the riders of Rohan, tells Aragorn that "We will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you." (The Fellowship of the Ring [video recording]). Aragorn acknowledges this knowing that he has the duty of protecting Rohan. He knows that it will not be easy, although he still does not lose hope. As a leader, Aragorn takes the

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