Live Free And Starve By Chitra Divakaruni

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Live Free and Starve was an interesting story because people from develop countries view other countries in a same way as they think of their country. In a third world countries people have hard time to food on the table. Story write Chitra Divakaruni has shown us exactly how it’s going to effect if we ban products from third world countries. I was very supportive on freeing child labor movement, because after spending seven years in The United States of America I forget how I used to live in Nepal. I also had chance to live in India for three years. I know the daily struggles of this poor parents when sent their kids in order to put food in the table, because once open a time they were labor as well. Since they were labor from small age they …show more content…

We Americans are giving away billions of dollar to Colombian government in order to fix the Drug crisis but we must understand that people from their have no choice but to grow plants in order to save their lives. I really feel bad or people from Colombia because people from around the country especially view them as a drug Lords. I think the problem is worse when drug Lords are stronger then government. Government can’t even provide them safety, in that case their life is in Jeopardy. When person like Eric chilling and using drug for a fun time people from Colombia facing constant threat from Drug Lords and complaint from governemtn.. In order to stop such a tragic situation since we can’t do nothing about supply chain because of it’s difficult situatuions, we could teach our children the true story of how it has been produce. We have to teach our young generation about effects of using drugs. I have been to The United States of America for seven years, since from then no one has ever warned me about effects of drugs in humen lives. Among all option the best choice will be to educated drug users, if users donot use it than demands will rapidly decreased. If demand decresed than who will risk their lives sell it where there the customers are rare. In order to stop this type of situation Colombian government has huge responsibilities to protect it’s people from drugs lord approaching. In conclusion what we see is not right all the time, it’s time for us to judge according to the country political landscapes and the situation people are facing in their daily

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