Little Prince Satire

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How is it going? Today I wanted to let you know what is going on in English class. Right now we are reading the book, The Little Prince. There are multiple different concepts to apply to The Little Prince, but the concepts that I felt were most important to the story, were allegory, and the use of satirical characters.

The book, The Little Prince, is an allegory and has two different meanings. On the surface level, the story is about a Pilot that crash lands in the middle of Sahara Dessert, where he meets the Little Prince. The Little Prince tells the Pilot about his planet, and about his life. The Little Prince tells the Pilot the planets he traveled to, and tells about satirical characters that he meets on each planet. The satirical characters …show more content…

The very vain man thinks the world is centered around himself, and wants all the praise he can get. "Ah! A visit from an admirer!' he exclaimed when he caught sight of the little prince, still at some distance." (Antoine De Saint-Euxpery 33) I thought the author used the very vain man to make fun of the way adults think that kids are here to serve them, and think that they are more important than kids. On the third planet, the little prince meets a drunkard. The drunkard is gloomy and drinks because he is ashamed of drinking. "To forget that I'm ashamed,' confessed the drunkard, hanging his head." (Antoine De Saint-Euxpery 35) I thought the author used the drunkard to make fun of the way adults drink because they are ashamed of something that they can control. On the fourth planet, the Little Prince meets the businessman. The businessman owns the stars, and has time for nothing, except work. "I haven't time to take strolls. I'm a serious person." Antoine De Saint-Euxpery 37) I thought the author used the businessman to make fun of the way adults are to busy to actually have fun like a kid. On the fourth planet, the Little Prince meets the lamplighter. The lamplighter goes around faster and

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