Literacy Beyond English Essay

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Literacy beyond English is crucial. It is not a skill that is just pinned down to a single subject. It is equally important throughout the entire curriculum. This persuasive essay will delve into how classrooms studying Year 6 Humanities and Social Science must be able to facilitate the necessary literacy skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking at an appropriate level, as it is fundamental when it comes to gaining a deeper understanding of the subject at hand. Quite literally, a students capacity to understand and demonstrate the skills related to literacy has the potential to act as a portal and a catalyst to a whole other world of learning. This essay will explore why literacy is so important when it comes to Humanities and Social Science, and how Year 6 students will be using literacy regarding reading, writing, speaking and listening.

Reading is not just a practised and employed process in English. In Year 6 Humanities and Social Science (HASS) being able to read with confidence is a crucial skill that will allow students to flourish. Throughout Year 6 HASS, students are required to use literacy techniques learnt in English to articulate and read information present. Tasks stated by the …show more content…

Literary techniques such as reading, listening, speaking and writing enable students to go above and beyond in their studies. When it comes to studying the subject of Year 6 Humanities and Social Science it is quite apparent that without these literary skills, a student would struggle to comprehend text based material, assimilate meaning from what a teacher verbally says, fail at actually communicating about the subject matter, and lastly find it difficult to produce quality written work at a Year 6

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