Life And Death Essay

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Life and Death From the start of time, life and death have been the only two components living organisms can rely on. Every living organism from the coral in the sea to a human undergoes birth, a specialized life cycle and eventually death. Life is such a broad term with so many philosophical attachments from religion to evolution. Simply put, life is the ability to grow and change. Life separates plants and animals from things like water and rocks. For this paper I will focus on the different stages of human life, death and how the advancements in technology and medicine have directly affected both. As human beings we are living organisms that are a step above the rest. Our unique anatomy gives us the innate ability to grow, change, and adapt to our surroundings. Our stages of life can be divided into birth, childhood, adolescents, young adult, adult, and older adult. At each stage not only does our physical appearance change and hit milestones so does our anatomy. Our prefrontal cortex continues to develop until we are in our mid twenties for example. Thats why as teenagers and even young adults we are still developing motor, cognitive, and social behaviors. This explains why teenagers are the worse drivers, their judgement and foresight has not reached it’s full potential. Here is a chart that compares the human prefrontal cortex development to that of a rat. You can see well into the age of 32 the prefrontal cortex is still developing in humans.image How does this affect our life? You can think of life like a bell curve. Our first half of life is spent climbing a hill such as gathering information, processing and developing that information into useful memories. Then as a adult we are at our peak productivity. Our anatom... ... middle of paper ... ...ath. We as health care professionals need to work side by side with the families to provide the best care and decisions that are right by our patients. We have to be mindful of the cause and effect our course of treatment depicts for our patients. No individual wants to live in pain or misery, we all want to be healthy and happy and are willing to go great lengths to achieve this goal. Death is the final stage of life, but as we live and get older we start to prepare for death as to not fear death but accept it. Health care professionals may benefit from the opportunity to acknowledge, normalize and integrate death and dying into the continuum of life, both for themselves as well as their patients. (Sinclair, 2011) With advancements in technology and medicine we are living longer and fuller lives, and given time quality of life will only continue to improve.

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