Life: An Significant Events That Changed My Life

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Life is a strange mixture of events. Today you are in high spirits and the next day you are miserable. However, some events are more significant than others, significant enough that they can change your life. When I was sixteen years old, I received a phone call that changed my life. I was staying at one of my relative’s home when my father called and asked to speak to me. My father told me that my mother passed away; she died of heart problems. It was sudden and totally unexpected. I remember being enveloped by this overwhelming desire to just scream. I don’t think any of us can truly prepare for such a devastating event of so great an extent or degree to happen. My mother, she was an amazing story- teller; she kept me and my siblings in …show more content…

Every so often she would take the whole family to visit her birthplace. She would take us to the river where she had fun swimming and fishing with her own brothers and sisters. She encouraged us to climb the old trees that she loved. She would show us all the different kind of aromatic plants that her grandma and her own mother used to remedy different ailments. And at night, her relatives (cousins, aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces) we would all gather around a bonfire. The adults would encourage all the children and we’d all take turns telling cheesy jokes. There were lots of singing, laughter, and more than enough food and drinks for everyone. It was important for my mother to stay in touch with her roots. It was not uncommon; we always had either my father’s or her relatives staying with us. And as a family we enjoyed having them stay with us. Looking back, it still amazes me how she made it all work. I know we did not have much, but somehow I did not feel I lack for anything. She was a natural at turning mundane tasks into something fun. She was …show more content…

That day I lost my sense of balance, my comfort zone, and my confidant. I remember just feeling lost. Time heals; and I have the privilege to meet up with some of her friends and relatives on some occasions. And those who knew her well praise her generous spirit and zest for life. It makes me grateful and extremely proud of her memories. Once in a while I stop and think of my mother; especially, when I am in the midst of a certain situation. I think of how she would handle it and what she would say to me if I were to ask for advice. I will always hold her responsible for my affinity for shoes; she made me like them at an early age. I still think of hot cocoa on rainy days. I crave for that healing soup when I am under the weather. Her stories still puts a smile on my face. I suppose, I will always miss her; some days more than others. She was one of a kind, my role model and she was my

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