Leonardo Da Vinci Research Paper

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Artists throughout history have adopted unique practices that have influenced and driven them to gain success, and further develop their characteristics within the art culture itself. Through constructing the image of the artist, traditional Renaissance artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Cennino Cennini and Leon Battista Alberti have each formulated their portrayal of the artist, revealed through books, notebooks and detailed sketches that highlighted specific characteristics needed within the individual. These masters construct this image in distinctive ways that establish the individual as an artist who is aware of themselves and the world around them. Ultimately, distinctive processes have allowed these artists to build on character, tools …show more content…

He states that a good painter is someone who paints the man and also his mentality. Art historians studied his notebooks and found a spirit of scientific inquiry and inventiveness that were far ahead of his time, as well as Cennini; Da Vinci sees that drawing is something mechanical because it can be done with the hands. Da Vinci, never attended a public school as he was raised by his single father and would continue to work in Florence, Milan and France. From the age of 13 to 20, Leonardo was a pupil at the Bottega Veneta in Florence, where he would study under Andrea del Verrocchio, again similar to both Cennini and Alberti whom all agreed a master is necessary to begin one's artistic career. During this time Leonardo examined all different notions of art and science, through looking at animals like frogs and even later dissecting the human brain, allowing him to grasp that the brain was part of the nervous system. Leading him to believe people had a soul, and so he would try to locate it. Da Vinci used his outstanding intellect and mastery of art and science to study nature itself, allowing him to excel in both these facets of his life. He believed his quest for knowledge and the artist himself should go beyond the surface features and instead go deep inside to the very nature of their subject. In contrast to Cennini, Da Vinci sought for more than just the materialistic nature of art and wanted to gain a greater understanding of the world around him. Revealing how art is not just about making work for someone to view but instead is something with a deeper meaning that revolves around the artist and his/her

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