Legalization of Gay Marriage

1301 Words3 Pages

Legalization of gay marriage has been a major controversial topic for a long time. Although, many people do not know what it means to be homosexual, most people do not know the actual definition of homosexuality and they do not know how difficult it is to be gay in this society. There are many reasons why people are against gay marriage and homosexuals all together. Most of the reasons are based on religious bias another big reason is being afraid of the unknown. Some smaller reasons are that being heterosexual is such a social norm now a day’s people are not used to the change. Also parents often time tell kids that homosexuality is not a good thing because of there own views. Gay marriage should be legalized because most of the people who have a problem with it do not form complete thoughts and do not have a real reason that makes it not okay. Finally, what it takes to get gay marriage legal in Illinois is more complicated then one might think.
There are many facts and statistics about gay marriage and the numbers are astonishing to read. Such as, only 11 countries currently allow same sex marriage and they include, Argentina, Canada, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, South Africa, the Netherlands, and some states in the United States. There are 38 states that have been able to ban homosexual marriage by constitutional amendments, state law, or both. Civil unions only grant some of the rights of civil marriages, but they do not get the important federal benefits or marriage. Some of those benefits include spousal support, medical decision making rights, hospital visitation privileges, and access to partners insurance. These facts and more are not right, because if the tides were turned heterosexual marriages w...

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... gay marriage should not be as controversial of a topic then it is. Even though there are religious thoughts about gay marriage and homosexuality, people are getting that information from books that were written millions of years ago and they are not even sure of who wrote them. Even though people are ultimately afraid of the unknown and change, both, which are included in legalizing gay marriage. I believe that people should brush up on their knowledge of homosexuality, gay marriage, and what gay marriage would do to our society before they make create an opinion about the matter; which could ultimately affect the opinion of people around them. I also believe that love is love no matter what way you think of it, we are all humans who just want the same rights for everyone. Imagine if you were in a gay persons shoes, would you think the same way about gay marriage?

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