Learning In The 21st Century Essay

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Education has transformed immensely from where it first began and needs to continually transform in the future to meet the growing needs and expectations of society. Consequently, teaching and learning are quite different in the 21st century when compared to previous centuries. There are several key factors driving change in education today with the focus on globalisation and social factors, including: Information Communication Technology (ICT), cultural and social inclusion along with changes in the economy, jobs and businesses. Additionally, 21st century learners are expected to ascertain a multitude of qualities and skills in order to succeed in today’s world. Communication, collaboration, global awareness, creativity and problem solving …show more content…

Therefore, it endeavours to address the constant changes in the world by adapting the way learning is structured to ensure students are suitably equipped for the future (Bolstad et al., 2012). To adapt today’s education to coincide with the changing world, 21st century teaching and learning has incorporated a number of key features to pave the way for success. Promoting active learning that is primarily outcome based, engaging students in research driven and project-based learning and encouraging students to identify real-world problems are all incorporated to ensure students are well equipped for the future (Shaw, 2008). Teachers’ utilise these features in a number of ways to engage and motivate 21st century learners when delivering curriculum content. For instance, Bell (2010) noted when students partake in project-based learning as an approach to instruction that teaches curriculum concepts through a project; it provides them with a greater understanding of the current topic being researched. Teachers’ have witnessed an increase in motivation to learn as the approach is student driven, teacher-facilitated (Bell, 2010). Bell (2010) highlights, that as students solve real-world problems through project-based learning it assists in teaching a number of skills such as …show more content…

(2011) insists that as students are adjusting to becoming globally connected, via the use of ICT, there is a need for students to be aware of cultural and social inclusion. The 21st century learning curriculum outlined by P21 (2015) integrates valuing cultural differences and diversity among students and subjects. It allows students to explore different cultures and communicate with cohorts across the globe, utilising ICT to help create awareness of events that happen outside of the classroom, further extending on their life and career skills whilst developing their social and cross-cultural skills (P21, 2015). Cultural and social inclusion is fostering change in education in the 21st century as it challenges old ‘social class’ beliefs and other restraints on students’ education and the community as a whole. School Improvement and Governance Network [SIGN] (2015) pointed out that cultural and social inclusion in schools supports students in becoming global learners that are accepting of culturally and socially diverse communities. Teachers are able to create a sense of personal identity among students by combining and empowering the differences and similarities within the classroom and across the globe. This is achieved by schools now including history, songs, stories and languages from culturally and socially diverse backgrounds to break down the barriers and stereotypes, creating a general understanding of the impact of inequality and discrimination (SIGN,

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