Leadership In Lord Of The Flies Persuasive Essay

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Victor Huang D Block 12/4/14 Mr.Lee In the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding a plane with a group of schoolboys crash lands on an island that has no signs of civilization meaning no rules. With no adults and rules to control them there is no reason to behave nicely. The sensible boy, Ralph, finds a conch on the beach and uses it to summon all of the remaining survivors. When they all gather he tells them that they need to form a community based on cooperation. Everyone would have a task to do and would do work to get them saved. But as time goes on this orderly system disappears as they get more irrational and self absorbed. Jack, the dominator finds that hunting for meat is more fun and useful than making a community, he also fails …show more content…

He expresses this idea when he writes, "two men [desiring] the same thing, which nevertheless they cannot both enjoy, they become enemies... endeavour to destroy and subdue one another" (Leviathan). We can see this in the book when Ralph believes that he should be picked as leader because he has the conch but Jack quickly disagrees saying, "’I ought to be chief because I'm chapter chorister and head boy. I can sing C sharp’”  (Golding 22). This disagreement is directly related to Thomas Hobbes philosophy because it shows how there cannot be cooperation if they want the same role. Even though Jack and Ralph do not become enemies at this time, they still have different views on how to rule and a desire to rule all the boys. This battle between Ralph and Jack will eventually lead to Jack wanting to leave Ralph’s group to make his own which is why Jack says, “‘I’m not going to play any longer. Not with you.’” (127) By saying this Jack shows how Thomas Hobbes’s idea of two people wanting the same goal creates an inability to coexist is true in the Lord of the …show more content…

The idea is that if you have a ruler who is not successful, the society will fall into chaos. "If there be no power erected, or not great enough for our security's, every man will and may lawfully rely on his own strength and art for caution against all other men” (Leviathan). Lord of the Flies presents this by showing how the community that Ralph forms with the conch able to maintain order and balance at first. Soon after the conch begins to lose power over the boys and Jack sees this as a chance to exploit how badly Ralph rules, using these exploits he runs off to form his own group where he is the leader. After saying this he runs off to form his own community where the only job is to hunt. In the end Ralph’s community fell apart and when everyone was separated the conch no longer had control over them. “‘Call an assembly?’ Ralph laughed sharply as he said the word and Piggy frowned” (156). The fact that Ralph laughs at the idea of calling an assembly proves that even he believes that he can is not the leader anymore and that the conch no longer has its original power. With Ralph not having power anymore Jack now controls all the boys and no one follows Ralph’s rules anymore. Jack taking over the position of ruler because he thought Ralph’s method of

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