LOTR Esaay

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This novel cannot be easily summarized; it is a trilogy composed of 1031 pages, not including the numerous appendices, maps, and the index. This fantasy is one of the most detailed in existence with various other works. The Lord of The Rings is the tale of a courageous journey taken on by an unlikely fellowship and focused around one unexpected and tragic hero. This tragic hero is Frodo Baggins, a hobbit who has lived in paradise his entire life. The pleasant, laid-back life of Frodo abruptly comes to a close when his dear friend, Bilbo Baggins, disappears at his own birthday party. Frodo is then left with all of Bilbo’s extravagant belongings which included Bilbo’s most ‘precious’ possession; a golden ring. Gandalf, a humble wizard as well as a close companion to the Baggins, reveals to Frodo the truth about this seemingly meaningless ring.
This lengthy and extraordinarily in depth tale was written in a series of volumes which include The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of The King. In the first volume, Bilbo vanishes from Hobbiton, the home of the hobbits, w...

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