Knights Vs Samurai Dbq Essay

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Knights vs. Samurai Knights and samurai have a lot in common. For example, they both follow a code and protect land. Although they are very similar, there are a lot of things that set them apart. Samurai had a different social status, had different weapons, and expectations. While knights and samurai have many similarities, in a one on one battle, the advantage would be to the knights and this can be seen in their honor code, training, and armor. The first way that knights have an advantage is their armor. In document D written by the DBQ project It says that the knights sword was longer and stronger than that of the samurai. The knights would be able to fight from a farther distance, which allows them to strike the samurai without the samurai being able to hit them. Another piece of evidence that supports the claim is in document D, written by the DBQ project. It says, “Knights began to wear complete suits of plate armor, constructed from metal.” None of their body was exposed, whereas the samurai’s arms were exposed. Although armor is important, it isn't …show more content…

In document B written by Catharina Blomberg, it says, “Loyalty toward the feudal lord in Japan was hereditary.” If becoming a samurai was hereditary, then some samurai weren’t chosen to be a samurai because of their abilities, but because they were the son of a samurai. That means that not all samurai are the best fighters. It also says in document E, written by the DBQ project, “To dishonour knighthood was the greatest disgrace.” Part of the code is to always obey your king, so a knight would want to fight harder and not back out. Even though knights and samurai have many similarities, they have their differences. Knight’s armor and weapons were different. The knights also had different training. Lastly, they followed different codes. The little differences that set knights and samurai apart give knights an advantage in a one on one

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