King James Bible Analysis

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The King James Bible is known as the Bible and in the Bible there is more than 1,200 years of books and different stories in 2 main parts. The Old Testament was written by the Hebrews and New Testament was written by the Greeks. It was completed in 1611 and was a main corner stone to European culture. Back in the day it was in Egyptian which meant that the priests had to learn how to read the Egyptian language. The parable called “The Prodigal Son” is in the King James Bible and when you read this there are some good lessons that you can get out of it and some bad things that you can get out of it.
Sometimes we need to be slapped in the face before we learn what we needed to learn. In the “The Prodigal Son” from the King James Bible the younger …show more content…

Near the middle of “The Prodigal Son” in the King James Bible the younger son comes back to his father but as a slave which means that he doesn’t get any of the money that the land produces. In verse 20 it tells us “And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.” And to me I would say that is forgiving someone that has hurt you. The son’s dad was a very forgiving person because after the son took half his money and took off for a while to spend it all than come back and to forgive him is love for his son. That father could have done so many other thigs to his son but he ended up being happy for his return back …show more content…

“…..Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf…….And he was angry.” So the older son wasn’t as forgiving as the dad was. He was mad that the son took all his money and spent it then came back to the house just to get a party thrown for him. We can learn from this guy and what we can learn is that we can be more forgiving to those who we think that they don’t deserve what they have like the other son got a party that he might not have deserved. We can learn that no matter what when we don’t forgive that we won’t be thankful for things like a son coming back home but when you do forgive thinks start to make life more happy and uplifting. If I was the older son I would have forgiven him and be happy for the good food at the party. It makes thinks in life to forgive and not hold a grudge then to hold a grudge and not

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