Katniss Everdeen In The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins

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In the novel, The Hunger Games, the author Suzanne Collins perfectly used the minor characters, to help better our understanding of the main character, Katniss Everdeen. Katniss, shows many different character traits and personality throughout the book. From minor characters helping her find and stay true to herself, or showing how loyal and caring she is. Throughout the novel, Katniss was struggling between her true self and what she thought, the people of the capitol would like. She knew that her being likeable would get her sponsors, and which in the end, could save her live in the games. Cinna always made sure to tell Katniss to be herself, making sure she knew that the Capitol already loved her, and she didn’t need to change. “Remember, they already love you,” Cinna says “Just be yourself.” (Cinna p.123). Cinna helped Katniss maintain her true self throughout the book. …show more content…

She does her best to take care of people who can’t care for themselves. Rue was a being part in showing Katniss’s caring side. Rue was an underdog, that people would consider her as a bad ally. Katniss really did care for Rue, she reminded Katniss of her sister Prim. Katniss showed that she cared for Rue when she, cried and mourned her death, she covered her body with flowers at the time of her death. "Don't go." Rue tightens her grip on my hand. "Of course not. Staying right here," I say. I move in closer to her, pulling her head onto my lap. I gently brush the dark, thick hair back behind her ear. (Rue/Katniss p.234). Katniss knew that Rue loved to sing, so in her last moments, she sang to her. Katniss was really affected by Rue’s

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