Kashmir ; A lost paradise

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Kashmir — a beautiful mountain state with clear rivers, evergreen forests and one of the highest death rates in the world. It is at the center of an age-old dispute between Pakistan and India that has dragged on from the independence of both nations over fifty years ago to the present time, with no resolution in sight. The combined population of the two nation totals over a billion, so no conflict between them is of passing importance, especially when nuclear weapons are involved. Pakistan and India share a common heritage, language, and traditions, yet the subject of Kashmir can push them to the brink of annihilation. Fifty years of animosity have built up as a result. A proxy war still brews in Kashmir, claiming dozens of lives every day, running up a casualty total over time into the hundred thousands. Kashmiris have suffered untold horrors and Kashmir has the notorious reputation of being one of the world’s most dangerous flashpoints.
Pakistan and India both believe they have valid claims on Kashmir. If looked at logically and ethically, only Pakistan’s claim can stand up to scrutiny. Successive Pakistani leaders have referred to Kashmir as the “jugular vein” of Pakistan, a fact reported on the Indian Embassy’s Note on Kashmir. This refers to the major rivers originating in the Kashmir Valley on which Pakistan is critically dependent. India has little right on Kashmir, as each of their arguments, if not legally, is morally wrong.
We can start by recounting history, where the roots of the conflict lie. India was one massive nation made up of several states, ruled by the British. A long and difficult independence struggle culminated with the British choosing to leave India in August 1947. The Muslims of the land decided that instead of just a Free India, they would create a Free Pakistan for themselves as well. They were fearful that as a minority, the Hindu majority would trample their rights and religion. Both countries would be formed as soon as the British handed back control in August. The rulers of each individual state constituting India would chose which country to join, hopefully following the wishes of its people. This idea was fraught with problems. There were quite a few states that had a majority of one religion yet the ruler belonged to another faith. The states of Hyderabad and Junagarh were examples of this. Both had Hindu majorities and M...

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...dia must realize that only through compromise and negotiation can a resolution be hammered out. This whole issue would not exist if it wasn’t for the Indian army’s heavy handedness and violation of basic human rights, to alienate the people of Kashmir. Current trends show this to continue, so the Kashmiris will not be pacified. Pakistan must also try harder to prevent militants gaining entry into the Indian side of Kashmir and clamp down on religious extremists who train the extremists. That way they can gain the moral high ground in the dispute, with India having no more excuses to commit atrocities. There must be a great deal of trust for both nations to pull their armies out of Kashmir. The success of the plan depends mostly on the United Nations. It has to agree to put its troops in jeopardy, spend substantial amounts in Kashmir and take care of the state for a short period of time. Rome was not built in a day, goes the old proverb, and the “Garden of Eden” will not return to serenity in one either. This investment is worthwhile if there is even the slightest chance that there may finally be peace in the forests of the Kashmir Valley…one less nuclear flashpoint to worry about.

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