Justice In The Oresteia

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Justice, fairness, and decency, abstract concepts that are innate in society and human nature. However, despite their near universal status in humanities mid, they often have different meanings for individuals. Aeschylus uses The Oresteia in order to explore these issues as characters in the play try to determine what it means to be just, what a just actor does, and what is the best model or means of achieving justice. The characters discuss ideas such as vengeance, reciprocity, balance, moderation, and finally the end result of the implied debate leads to a jury system. In this paper I will go over two of the several different interpretations of justice used in the Oresteia and compare and contrast them in order to demonstrate which is the …show more content…

Vengeance often goes overboard and isn’t always viewed as justice. In the Oresteia, this sort of escalation is apparent. It began with Helen being kidnaped or seduced and taken to Troy. In order for the King to achieve vengeance he needed the help of his brother Agamemnon. In order to do assist his brother and fulfil his oath, he had to sacrifice his daughter in order to appease a god. Then his wife Clytemnestra killed him as revenge for the death of their daughter. To follow that up, Orestes was commanded to kill his mother as an act of vengeance for the death of his father, for which he was then chased and threatened with death by the Furies. If it hadn't been for the intervention of another model of justice, the trail of death did not appear to be stopping. Vengeance doesn’t consider the background and circumstances surrounding an action. It is perhaps too simple as extenuating circumstances don’t matter even though an individual may have no choice in the …show more content…

The goal of justice ought not to be punitive, but rather to come to an understanding between the two parties. If the goal is to make things right and just, it is only fair that the backstory of both are taken into consideration. Life, unfortunately for the model makers is not binary. Nothing is ever simply black and white, upon closer inspection it becomes clear that there are a verity of shades affected by the lighting we have in our own minds – our own inescapable bias. This is why I believe that deliberation and restraint is the more useful method of achieving justice. Its restraint allows for reason and understanding to influence the direction of the judgment. As the Oresteia demonstrated with Orestes, he had to choose not between a good and an evil act, but between to morally ambiguous acts, that by choosing either he would have suffered extreme punishment. Instead, moderation and restraint would have looked at what he deserved as he was forced into committing his act of murder. Moderation and restraint is the greater method that can easily be applied to a myriad of situations. It is the best model presented and would serve as a greater basis for building a more complete definition of

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