Jurgis Ruckus In 'The Jungle'

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The Hero of The Jungle
The novel, The Jungle, shows the life of the main character, Jurgis Ruckus. Jurgis is a Lithuanian man who moves to the Packingtown district of Chicago, Illinois (Jungle 1). Once he arrives in Packingtown, Jurgis marries Ona, who is also from Lithuania (Jungle 1). Ona and Jurgis start a family together, and they work in factories that contain awful working conditions and receive terrible treatment and low wages from their employers. They live with Ona’s family and constantly struggle to make ends meet. The family’s lives quickly take a turn for the worst and Jurgis goes on a downward spiral. In The Jungle, Jurgis is the tragic hero because he tries to provide his family with the America dream, is an avid socialist activist, and even though he has many flaws, they are simply a result of his surroundings. …show more content…

He believed that he could have a family, a successful job, and a house in America and that life would much better than it was in Lithuania. Jurgis has a hard time forgetting this dream even when he was faced with adversity. He persevered because he wanted to give his family the best life that was possible. When scoundrels tried to cheat Jurgis or his family out of opportunities or attacked him or his family, Jurgis responded angrily because he wanted to defend them. Jurgis’ only intention was to protect his families and their

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