Jump Rope Program Research Paper

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Flashing lights. Pounding music. Fog covered floors. Rustic coffins. All of this in health class. When I was in fifth grade at Harriet Bishop Elementary School, the fifth grade was required to participate in the jump rope program. The jump rope program was paired with the health unit on healthy living, designed to keep kids active. I loved creating the jump rope program. It was a lot of work to plan, practice, and perform, but it ended up exceeding anyone's expectations.

Planning for the jump rope program took a lot of effort. When the news that the program was going to happen was released, no one was really sure how to feel. However, once they learned that they got to skip almost five hours of school a week because of it, their opinions greatly improved. Picking the song took at least three days. Songs such as “Gummybear”, “Dynamite”, and “The Barbie Song” were suggested. In the end, the songs chosen were: “Thriller” by Michael Jackson, and The Fox Song. Thriller would be the whole class song, and The Fox Song would be the small group routine. In addition to picking the songs, we also had to …show more content…

The coffins and fog machines were set up, and everyone was ready. Well at least for the dress rehearsal. For the dress rehearsal, we had the entire gym to ourselves- we the fifth grade class. First was Mrs. Machevics class doing a random mash-up of various sports songs, then Mrs. Engen’s class doing “Can't Hold Us”, next was Ms. Johnston’s class performing “Sail”, and the mini groups. Our class was the last due to all of the extra pieces that had to be set up. The transitions at first were jerky, but were clean by the second run through. It was amazing to see how just a month of work could create something so spectacular. From what I have heard, the performances were incredible. Throwing candy out to kids, driving tiny cars through masses of jump ropes, and having kids rising from coffins were just a few of the things I heard about the final

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