Joy Manganos: The Miracle Moop

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Entrepreneur essay

Entrepreneur is someone who had an idea then made the idea real and then made some money off of it. Today the world has many entrepreneurs many of whom have made millions of dollars in their one little idea. Who is one of these people with a big idea is Joy Mangano creator of the miracle mop. Joy has made millions and has made some other very important ideas not just miracle mop. Joy even had a movie made about her life which starred Jennifer Lawrence playing Joy.

Joy manganos is the person behind the miracle mop. Joy grew up in New York with her family , Joy was born in 1956 in new york. She grew up in a big in american italiano family. Joy always knew she was meant to make ideas . Right after university she married her husband and after 10 years of marriage and 3 kids they called it quits.Soon after the divorce she was working many jobs as she struggled to feed 3 kids. Then one day after being frustrated by normal mops Joy came up with idea of the miracle mop a mop without using your hands to wring the mop out had a device near the bottom where you twist it and it rings the mop without you getting your hands wet. Joy …show more content…

The idea for the movie came when joy friend Ken Mok and producer of “Joy” and “America's next top model” convinced Joy to take her story to the big screen with the help of Davis entertainment John Davis and his associate John Fox. From there they took it to fox 2000 then met with writer of “Bridesmaids” Annie Mumolo when Mumolo delivered the script in 2012 she made it like the biopic from years earlier but with twists of comedy. With the script being a bit rewritten to make it more about joy the team went out and found David O.Russell who became director of “Joy”. Finally the movie was done and the première set Joy hadn't seen the film yet till the day of the premier and on christmas day Joy's story came to theaters around the

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