Joining A College Gym

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When joining a gym there are certain technical aspects that you must watch out for. If the gym doesn't meet these requirements, it's a guaranteed no sign up! Things such as the use age shape/cleanliness of equipment would fall under this category. The atmosphere of the gym also plays an important factor when deciding. Follow this quick guideline to ensure you select the proper gym. Feeling Comfortable: When taking a tour of the gym, ask yourself do you fit in? Look at the crowd of people that the gym attracts and decide if you would feel comfortable or not in that type of atmosphere. You may be an upbeat type of person and all you see may be an older crowd, would you feel comfortable working out in that kind of atmosphere. The decision is …show more content…

For those who have had a longer period since their last educational journey, this experience can be even more daunting. The following guide will help make that transition go more smoothly. Using Your School's Educational Resources Many colleges provide many educational resources that every student should become familiar with. These resources can enhance your learning potential. Students should become familiar with online and campus libraries, writing resources and workshops, the availability of tutoring services, and the availability of other workshops. Students should also familiarize themselves with their degree program. This will aid in planning. Upholding Academic Honesty Academic Honesty is crucial to your success as a student. We are all tempted to take short cuts in our learning. Remember it is not just you that is being affected, but your fellow students and authors. Cheating will not only prevent you from reaching your full potential; it carries with it severe academic penalties. When citing the work of another, make sure to give full credit to the original author. The same holds true when paraphrasing the work of another. Use proper quotations and use the APA Style Guidelines. Setting and Achieving Goals An important part of being successful in your classes will be setting and achieving goals. This can be a hard task for some. First identify the goals you want to reach. Set a timetable for achieving your goal. Prioritize your goals. An example could be, "I will complete the rough draft of my term paper by my sixth week of classes." Once you have identified your main goal, set some smaller goals to make completing your goal realistic. Set your long term goals Take your long term goal and divide it into smaller manageable goals. Prioritize your goals. Set a reasonable time table for completing your goals Managing Time Wisely Taking on the responsibility of furthering your

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