John Proctor's Reputation In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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How does your reputation define you and how do people look at you because of your name? Characters in the story The Crucible, are highly concerned regarding their reputation and name. John Proctor, Giles Corey, and Governor Danforth are all important characters who care about their name in the town of Salem. Each character in the story shows how, through the witchcraft trials, their name and reputation will follow them and even determine their fate. In the The Crucible, John Proctor, Giles Corey, and Danforth prove that reputation can define oneself. John Proctor is highly concerned with his reputation and name. “I have confessed myself! Is there no good penitence but it be public? God doesn’t need my name nailed upon the church” (1117)! This quote was said by Proctor and he expressed this when Danforth forced him to sign a paper that said he was legally confessing to being a witch. Proctor cared for his reputation, even at the end of his life …show more content…

Danforth states, “... And I should be confounded were called upon to defend these people” (1092)! Furthermore, this quote is important because it shows that as a person with power, Danforth is here on the sole purpose to defend people. However, the people of Salem know he has a reputation to be deceived quite easily and a reputation to be in Salem just to prosecute “witches”. “ I judge you not, sir. I am ready to hear your evidence” (1088). Danforth sounds very contradictory here because he never really believed anyone who was convicted. He only looked at the evidence of the girls and not the other side. In addition, this gives him a bad reputation in Salem because he is a one-sided man. Another way Danforth’s name is used poorly is when the girls see Mary’s spirit attacking them, they know that he will confine to their “Hard evidence” and convict Mary immediately. Danforth’s name and reputation helps the girls get exactly what they

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