John Arnold History Chapter 1 Summary

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Chapter five of the book History a Very Short Introduction by John H. Arnold focuses on what’s a true story and what’s is not a true story. The example that the book uses is the English Civil War. The English Civil War is challenged and questioned by historian because on the accuracy of the regional and class variations he ascribes (Arnold 88). Historian argues the economics, politics, social structures, and culture. I would usually any arguments that historians have are usually economics, politics, social structures, and culture. My reasoning behind this is because if you think about how countries go to war or government officials argue they have different opinions and thoughts on how a country economical, political, the social structures, and the culture views. …show more content…

Even though, I respect people’s beliefs and opinions about what the Trump administration, however, I think the time to come together and listen to our president because if don’t come together it can lead to anarchy. But as history does has an essence because everyone needs to learn how their own country past for the future leaders of a country can learn from the past mistakes or learn how to deal with a crisis on hand in the future. Studying history is very important since history is about telling true stories and learning how, what, when, who, why, and where the events of history took place. Also, history involved basically everything from sports, education, world history, family history, and a business history. I think extremely to learn history because when you either argue against family, friends, co-workers, or the other presidential nominees or nominees learning the history your field of interest or world history is important when try get other people on your side during an argument. Also, most companies and business won’t hire you if you're uneducated. So it is important to learn the history of the chosen field. Also, it is important to learn the history of the world and how everything was

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