Jerome Nettles "Exstacy"

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Have you ever been locked in a World full of excitement and happiness? Have you ever taken a pill that allows you to escape from the cruel reality of the world but for this escape you had to sacrifice your wellbeing by being handicap to this getaway. Ecstasy is this sacrifice known to take you into a world that you never thought you could enter. Ecstacy on the corner famous name is Molly. This not your typical walk through the park drug. Ecstasy brought happiness through adolescents in mid-1900. It also became very interesting to therapist, psychiatrist and other researchers that never could continue to research it after being banned in 1988. This drug is a psychoactive drug that kills through your own pleasure

The History of Ecstasy is not as notorious as people make it out to be. According to Mary Bellis she stated,” ecstasy is the common name given to the drug methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA). The history occurred through an simple accident by Mannish and Jacobsohn, two German Scientists working for Merk in 1912 as an intermediate to a vasoconstrictor known as hydrastinin. It was believed to be used as a weight loss drug and a medication that controlled bleeding, but was not heavily marketed, and the paten does not give description of purpose. Further on in 1927 Merck continue to perform experiments on MDMA and perform some animal experiments, noting that the substance had some similarities in structure and effects to adrenaline. US Military use ecstasy in the 1950-1960. The reason for use was under classification but researchers believed it was for non-lethal weapons or just plan interrogation tools.

Ecstasy is classified as an empathagen, according to Susan Merle Gordon, director of research at the Car...

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Ecstasy is a drug that is like no other. It has negatives and positives as other drugs but I feel that the right actions were taken from the DEA to banned the drug out the country. A drug shouldn’t make you a dependent of it if you establish an illness to need a medication for it. MDMA wouldn’t be as bad if the symptoms of it weren’t depression or insane thoughts and behavior. The use of this drug is deadly no matter how good it made you feel. Even though it was banned in1988; still people illegally use the drug today. This is no piece of marijuana this drug is a killer.

Work Cited Page

History Channel” “Episode 4” Illegal drugs LCD,Ecsatsy and Inventors, Ms. Mary Bellis “The Invention of MDMA or Ecstasy” December 29,2013 “History on Ecstasy”

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